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Become a Member
There are five options for payment when you decide to join USA:
- Your personal check
- A check made out by your school district, if the price of membership is included in your employment contract with the district.
- Payroll deduction through your district payroll office.
- USA takes two major credit cards: Visa and Mastercard.
- Comprehensive convention enrollment. This option includes advance convention registration, plus member association and USA dues.
Join Online
For only $20 a year (that’s for two semesters and a summer session!) you can take advantage of USA offerings and get to know the movers and shakers in your profession. Full-time administrators enrolled as part-time students are not eligible for student membership.
Student memberships are available to graduate students currently enrolled in programs of educational administration, supervision, or management in colleges or universities. Administrators eligible for active membership in USA are not eligible for student membership. To join, call us at 785.232.6566. The USA membership year in July 1 through June 30.
A few of the things that your $20 USA student membership provides:
- A website to keep you abreast of job changes and vacancies, legislative news, USA events, and other information.
- Regular publications, including “The Memo ” and “USA Kansas School Administrator’s Directory.” Special publications and press releases on current issues also are distributed through USA.
- Opportunities to advance your career that range from employment vacancies to special academies for aspiring principals and superintendents.
- The annual convention of all administrators, which provides up-to-date information on educational practices in the state; the expertise of nationally known keynote speakers; a comprehensive display of products and services especially for schools; and the opportunity to network.
- High caliber professional development programs that keep administrators on the cutting edge of educational innovations.
- A coalition with other organizations in your profession to provide a powerful influence with decision-makers in our state and nation.
- The united voice of more than 1,600 USA members in state legislative activities.
- Two-way communication with members.
- Liaison with the State Board of Education and other education associations.
- Special services designed and requested by member associations.
USA’s member associations are:
- Kansas Association of Elementary School Principals (KAESP) members are predominantly involved in elementary education.
- Kansas Association of Middle School Administrators (KAMSA) comprises any administrator interested in middle level education.
- Kansas Association of School Administrators (KASA) is comprised of superintendents, assistant superintendents, chief administrators working directly with a governing board, and chief administrative officers and staff members of colleges and universities.
- Kansas Association of School Business Officials (KASBO) members are a diverse group whose primary responsibility is school business operations.
- Kansas Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (KASCD) members are those whose primary responsibility is instruction and curriculum.
- Kansas Association of Special Education Administrators (KASEA) members are those whose chief responsibility is the supervision of special education programs.
- Kansas Association of Secondary School Principals (KASSP) has as its members those whose assignments are predominantly in secondary education.
- Kansas Council of Career and Technical Educational Administrators (KCCTEA) is for those involved in vocational education programs in secondary schools, area vocational-technical schools, community colleges, and universities.
- Kansas School Public Relations Association (KanSPRA) is for directors, administrators, supervisors, or teachers with public relations responsibilities.
For more information:
Phone: 785.232.6566
FAX: 785.232.9776
e-mail: [email protected]