Post a Job Opening

Post an Administrative Job Opening or Change with USA

United School Administrators of Kansas is dedicated to assisting administrators succeed. Members of USA enjoy many benefits. Our ‘Members Only’ area has a listing of available job postings and administrative changes. If you would like to submit a change or an employment opportunity that will be seen by our large and growing member base, please do so with the form below.
While we will accept any submission for review, not all will be approved and posted on our website or in the semi-monthly newsletter authored and distributed by USA to our members. Some conditions for acceptance are: the job posting must require the applicant to posess an Administrative Certificate, the opening must be in a Kansas School District, and any changes must only be concerning school administrators. This list is not all inclusive.

    Online Job Posting Request Form

    Job Title:

    USD (name and number):

    Name of School(if applicable):

    Opening Date:


    Full Contact Address:

    Contact Name:

    Contact Email:

    If there is a link that prospective applicants can access to
    get more information please enter that here:

    To post an administrative change please list the
    name of the outgoing and incoming administrator, the USD and name
    of school (if applicable), and the previous USD and school of the
    incoming administrator (if any)here: